ROLLSIZER DC Drive Mini...
€1,290.83Suitable for medium volume processing, processing rate is approximately 1200 cases per hour and is suitable for operation with most standard Dillon case feeders.
ROLLSIZER Manual Mini Roll...
€651.95The manual rollsizer is a compact rollsizer suitable for processing cases in small batches around 400-500 in one sitting (typically 30-40 minutes).
ROLLSIZER Electric Drive...
€1,906.11This RollSizer will meet and exceed the needs of any shooteror club...
ROLLSIZER Caliber...
€223.69A conversion kit is required to use the Rollsizer base unit for one caliber or another.
ROLLSIZER Standard Kit of...
€40.90Standard spares kit includes, 10 standard levers, spare bolts, case return spring. Included in original supply.